IQue: Spirituality + Fashion?
So what is Queology exactly? I started this blog, because I wanted a way to express my mind, and bridge the three things I love the most, modeling, fashion, and spirituality. Most people would not usually put those two unique topics together, but I believe they go strongly hand, in hand. I believe the way someone chooses to dress, says so much about that persons soul. Whether someone chooses to express themselves through fashion trends, brands, or throw on a pair of sweatpants, and a white t-shirt.
Buddhist rock Buddhist beads, Gurus wear turbans, and hippies adorn themselves with flower crowns. I don't believe we are all meant to follow the same spiritual path, and to me that is so beautiful. Spirituality not only symbolizes evolving the mind, body, and spirit, but I believe it is ultimately soul freedom to express itself, and individuality to follow your own path to your higher self, even if that may reject popular opinion.
I wanted to create a platform that was so much more then just a typical fashion blog, but a blog that uplifts, motivates, and connects you with your higher self, and with the Universe. Queology is the philosophy, in which I, Quentin Marcellis, approach my personal life, through modeling, fashion, spirituality, metaphysics, and lifestyle. This is my lifestyle blog, where I take you inside my world, and my mind.
Through my words, photography, and life, my goal is to teach you wisdom from my own experiences, heal you through spiritual guidance, and from my own example, motivate you to create a life that you absolutely love, as I manifest mines. Make the Universe bend for you.